extreme wierdness with RF & 0.10.0

Barry Gould BarryGould at PennySaverUSA.net
Tue Jan 21 03:57:26 CET 2003

I've just put in 0.10.0 using Robinson-Fisher.

I sent my users a message regarding the new bogofilter, and CC'd myself.

Strangely, it got tagged as Unsure with a score of 0.179478

Even stranger is the output of bogofilter -vvv

I get a score of 0.189874 when I run it back through bogofilter (note the 
headers are different at this point due to the bogofilter tag and whatever 
Eudora added... no problem).

However, when looking for words that would have caused it to be Unsure, I 
see many words with probabilities above 1.0!! Shouldn't this be impossible?!?

Even ones with both probabilities above 1.0!!!

                                      n     pgood      pbad        fw 
invfwlog     fwlog U
"for"                            123254  3.213524  2.704072  0.456954 
-0.61056  -0.78317 -
"pennysaverusa.net"              85321  2.684474  0.121062  0.043151 
-0.04411  -3.14305 +
"from"                           138213  3.374996  3.902206  0.536223 
-0.76835  -0.62320 -

Other than these weird tokens, I don't see anything that should have caused 
bogofilter to be "Unsure"

BTW, meanwhile, I've just changed from min_dev 0.0 to 0.1, but the 
wierdness persists.

The message and -vvv results are attached as gzipped text.

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