Site wide vs Personal

Tom Allison tallison at
Mon Jan 13 13:40:07 CET 2003

Greg Louis wrote:
> On 20030112 (Sun) at 2317:12 -0500, Tom Allison wrote:
>>I while back I saw some threads on Site wide use versus personal use.
>>Was there a concensus on how effective bogofilter remains on a site-wide 
>>implimentation where all the users share the same basic good/bad lists?
> Been doing that for a while now.  I don't know if enough of us do it to
> produce a consensus, but I can tell you what my experience has been. 
> Currently my own single-user bogofilter is delivering around 2.5% false
> negatives and I've had one false positive in the last 1200 or so
> nonspams.  At work, where I've implemented bogofilter for about 80
> users with just one training db, we've got the false positives down
> below measurable as well -- zero in the last 2500 nonspams -- but we're
> delivering about 12% of spams.  The problem is that we've got quite a
> few users who take newsletter emails that look very spammy, so we have
> to be a bit more stringent in classifying spam in order to avoid
> quarantining legitimate email.  This lets some real spams get through.
> This brings me to a very significant point: how well bogofilter
> (Bayesian filtering in general) can do in a multiuser environment
> depends inversely on the heterogeneity of user interests.  It's much
> harder serving engineers _and_ marketing people _and_ purchasing agents
> out of one training db than it would likely be if I ran a bogofilter
> for each department.  Fortunately, my users are (generally) happy with
> the reduction of 88% in the number of spams that hit them.  (The VP
> Marketing, on the other hand, opted out of the spam filter; he's
> uncomfortable with the whole concept ;)

How about....

too bad.  the idea of a bayesian filter on a proxy box sounds like some kind 
of holy grail.  Only with LMTP could this be accomplished, but even that 
might be technically breaking some rules.

Beer -- it's not just for breakfast anymore.

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