bogofilter 0.9.2.cvs

David Relson relson at
Sun Jan 12 19:55:57 CET 2003


I'm finished with merging the mime processing code into the head branch, 
moving the documentation files, and renaming directory tests/t.systest.d to 
tests/bogofilter.  As the final change, I've tagged the merged code as 

For those of you who haven't updated or checked out the code in a while, 
the following commands will get the current code and put it in directory 

CVSROOT=":ext:relson at"
export CVSROOT
cvs checkout -d current bogofilter

After updating from cvs, run "autoreconf -fis" and "configure".  The first 
command will generate a new configure file from and new files for each filee.  The second command will 
generate config.h, a "Makefile" for each "", and other useful files.

Lastly, after building it's always a good idea to check the build.  I 
usually use "make -s -k check", where the "-s" runs make in silent mode and 
the "-k" tells make to keep going even if an error is detected.  At the 
present time, the newest regression test, script tests/t.lock2, fails in 
some environments due to some BerkeleyDB locking issues.  Matthias and 
Gyepi are working on the fix.

As always, publish problems on the mailing list :-)

David Relson                   Osage Software Systems, Inc.
relson at       Ann Arbor, MI 48103          tel:  734.821.8800

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