Is this bogofilter or procmail?

Parker Morse morse at
Fri Jan 3 21:12:41 CET 2003

Again, thanks everyone for helping me get bogofilter running.

I have an interesting puzzle, now that it's trained and going.

I'm invoking bogofilter from procmail using the following recipe, adapted 
from the bogofilter man page:

| bogofilter -f -u -p

Now, this handles actual spam properly (it gets tagged) but for ham, I 
find this in the procmail log:

procmail: Program failure (1) of "bogofilter"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

These are the first two lines of every non-spam entry in the log. Non-spam 
messages do NOT get an X-Bogosity header.

I ran some tests from the command line on a recent message from this list:

$ bogofilter -f -u -p < test
spat the (non-spam) mail message back out to the terminal, tagged 
$ bogofilter -f -v < test > testfile.txt.v
$ bogofilter -f -vv < test > testfile.txt.vv
$ bogofilter -f -vvv < test > testfile.txt.vvv
all produced expected non-faulty output, including an X-Bogosity line.

So I don't think the problem is with bogofilter. Is this a procmail 
problem? David, you say you've got a recipe which works for you; I'd love 
to see it.


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