unregistration options

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Fri Feb 28 20:06:41 CET 2003

Hi bogofilter,

On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 06:43:17AM -0500, Greg Louis wrote:
> On 20030228 (Fri) at 0914:22 +0000, Simon Huggins wrote:
> > Is there any good reason we can't keep backwards compatibility and make
> > the new thing use the new options?
> Bogofilter's in early development, and freezing human or programmatic
> interfaces this early isn't a good idea: it stifles improvement.

I could accept this if...

> This particular change is being considered because the -S and -N
> options in their original form give less flexibility and are less
> intuitive than the proposed replacements. 

... I thought this was an improvement.

Why do people want to merely unregister spam?  Isn't the point that you
either get a false-positive in your spam folder or a false-negative in
your inbox and want to reverse what has been done?

I can see that theoretically it would be nice to allow you to unregister
without adding to the other list but can't see _any_ practical mail
handling application for this.

Why was this wanted in the first place?


... It should be a case of "Just plug in a new kernel, and suddenly your
    existing filesystem just allows you to do more! 20% more for the same
    price! AND we'll throw in this useful ginzu knife for just 4.95 for
    shipping and handling. Absolutely free!" -- Linus

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