change in registration options

David Relson relson at
Thu Feb 27 22:44:24 CET 2003


Several weeks ago a poll of bogofilter's users determined that the ability 
to unregister messages would be a good thing to have and that each of the 
options for adding words or removing words should do a single task.

The command line options for registering messages have been changed.

Formerly, '-s' and '-n' added message(s) to the wordlists and '-S' and '-N' 
moved words from one wordlist to the other.  If more than one of these 
options was on a command line, the last one would determine what happens.

Now, '-S' and '-N' just unregister messages, i.e. decrement counts in the 
wordlists.  As before '-s' and '-n' just register messages, i.e. increment 
counts.  The old, combined actions for moving words from one wordlist to 
the other can be achieved by combining options.  Using '-n' and '-S' 
together will move tokens from the spam list to the good list.  Using '-s' 
and '-N' together will move tokens from the good list to the spam list.

The code that implements the above changes has been committed to the cvs 
repository and will be in the next release, bogofilteer 0.11.0.  If you 
have scripts that use '-S' and '-N', they will need to be modified.



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