FAQ update

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Tue Feb 18 23:49:34 CET 2003


It's been a long time since the FAQ has been changed.  Here are a few 
things I'm going to add:

Q: I'm running bogofilter from inside a program and getting return codes 
like 0 and 256.  Why am I not getting 0 and 1 like the bogofilter docs say?

A: Likely the return codes are being reformatted by waitpid(2).  Use 
WEXITSTATUS(status) in sys/wait.h, or comparable macro, to get the correct 

Q: How do I find the spam and ham counts for a token?

A: Use bogoutil's '-w' option to display info about a token (word).  For 
example, "bogoutil -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR example.com" gives the good and bad 
counts for "example.com".

Q: How do I tell how many messages are in my wordlists?

A: Use bogoutil's '-w' option to display the value of special token 
.MSG_COUNT, i.e. run command "bogoutil -w $BOGOFILTER_DIR .MSG_COUNT" to 
see the counts for the spam and ham wordlists.

Q: How do I tell how many tokens are in my wordlists?

A: Pipe the output of bogoutil's dump command to command "wc", i.e. use 
"bogoutil -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR/spamlist.db | wc -l " to display the count for 
the spamlist and use "bogoutil -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR/goodlist.db | wc -l " to 
display the count for the goodlist.

What other questions and answers have y'all asked that should be 
included?  Please post them to the mailing list so we can all contribute.



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