bogotune - C vs. perl

David Relson relson at
Mon Dec 22 19:45:10 CET 2003


bogotune originally existed as a perl script that would run bogofilter
many times to get message scores.  All the program runs, with their
attendant opening and loading of the wordlist, made the process slow. 
To improve performance, the perl script was recoded in C.  This gives
two versions of bogotune:

	C - binary program - fast, memory intensive
	perl - script - slow, uses little ram

At the moment, the perl script is out of date and isn't included in the
bogofilter distribution.  As the script allows tuning in a low memory
environment (where the C program triggers swapping and runs really
poorly), it will be updated and once again become part of bogofilter. 
Using "nice +20", tuning can be done as a low priority, time consuming

Hopefully this will be helpful for people who want to tune their
bogofilter installations, but whose hardware isn't up to running


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