man page problems

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at
Tue Dec 9 13:46:54 CET 2003


I just sent David a patch for the man page which clarifies
and updates some points. Some things are not yet clear to
me, so I'd also like to do those, but I need your help:

The man page describes how bogofilter started from Paul's
article, how that was improved, Gary's contribution, further
improvements to Fisher. The latter has no further
explanation or link. Can someone give a short description or
a link for it?

For -B it is not clear to me how to use it with multiple
files. Can I just list those at the end of the command line?
Anyhow, the SYNOPSIS lists the filename directly with the
option which is not needed. -M does not list a filename
there at all. How should this be solved?

-F needs further explanation. How can this be used? In which

What are possible warning for -q? I've never seen one.

-x should give a hint where those flags can be found.

The AUTHOR section is really not accurate. Maybe the AUTHORS
file could be included? Or just list original author and
current maintainer?


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