Test with different lexers

Richard Kimber rkimber at ntlworld.com
Wed Dec 3 17:48:04 CET 2003

On 03 Dec 2003 08:41:03 -0500
Tom Anderson <tanderso at oac-design.com> wrote:

> If you often emphasize phrases or you often end a sentence with the same
> word, then including that leading or trailing punctuation can still be
> useful.  Maybe "word." will have a higher spamicity than "word".  This
> may especially be true of "free!" or "$10!".  If we can distinguish
> between "madam," or "madam:" and "madam", it will likely be important. 
> For a real world example, I just received a spam titled "*National
> Attention as an Innovator*", so "*National" and "Innovator*" with the
> asterisks included may be much stronger spam indicators than without the
> asterisks.

FWIW, as a non-expert, non-developing, user, what Tom's saying sounds
right to me.

Richard Kimber

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