db error from bogofilter and bogoutil

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Wed Oct 30 00:50:02 CET 2002

At 06:23 PM 10/29/02, Dan Stromberg wrote:
>I'm getting:
>tesuji-strombrg> /dcs/packages/bogofilter/bin/bogofilter -s < ~/mh_mail/spam/1
>bogofilter (db) open: /Dcs/staff/strombrg/.bogofilter/goodlist.db: Invalid 
>bogofilter: Cannot initialize database good.
>...on redhat 7.3, compiled on 7.1, using db 4.1.24 and bogofilter 0.7.6.
>tesuji-strombrg> /dcs/packages/bogofilter/bin/bogoutil -v -l goodlist.db < 
>bogoutil (db) open: goodlist.db: Invalid argument
>Does anyone have a suggestion?


Eric Mings encountered this same problem last night and reported it to the 
mailing list.  Our database expert, Gyepi Sam, is working on it.  Here's 
what he had to say:

         You're not doing anything wrong. BerkeleyDB-4.1 appears to have 
tightened the
         semantics of specifying both the read-only and create flags to open.

Any chance that you have a second (older) version of BerkeleyDB on your 
system?  If you do, or can load one, bogofilter can be configure to use the 
older version.  'Tis not the ideal solution, but a workaround.


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