What is a word (lexertest)

Allyn Fratkin allyn at fratkin.com
Wed Oct 23 03:41:25 CEST 2002

David Relson wrote:

> It's in my head that BASE64 is intricate and complicated.  Perhaps I'm
> thinking of messages about decoding it.  Perhaps I've got it confused
> with MIME encoding.  Whatever ...

yes, base64 is trivial (very similar to uuencode), it is the
mime encoding that is arbitrarily complex because it can be nested.
but i think that 99% of messages aren't really very complex
and could probably be decoded with a minimum of work.

i have a perl script i use as a pre-processor to bogofilter that unencodes
base64 and quoted-printable text attachments.
it isn't very smart but it does an adequate job for what it needs to do.

i'll post it later even though the code is embarassing.
Allyn Fratkin             allyn at fratkin.com
Escondido, CA             http://www.fratkin.com/

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