wordlist oddness?

Clint Adams schizo at debian.org
Thu Nov 7 05:56:05 CET 2002

> By the way, there's an easier way to display word list values.  The '-w' 
> option can be followed by either a file name or a directory name.  If it 
> gets a directory name, it looks for tokens in both wordlists in the 
> directory, i.e. in directory/spamlist.db and directory/goodlist.db.  Also 
> tokens to look up can be piped in or read from the command line.  What you 
> do in the for loop, I usuall do as:
> 	bogoutil -w ~/.bogofilter testwrd

Thanks, that's much more pleasant-looking too.  Now I can restate the
problem as

% bogoutil -w ~/.bogofilter .MSG_COUNT testwrd
                       spam   good
.MSG_COUNT             4153  13079
testwrd                   0      3

% echo this and testwrd and that | mail clint

% bogoutil -w ~/.bogofilter .MSG_COUNT testwrd
                       spam   good
.MSG_COUNT             4153  13080
testwrd                   0      3

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