Outlook Express Setup

Jim jim at jtackett.com
Mon Nov 4 00:48:08 CET 2002

I'm using a FreeBSD 4.7 qmail setup with vpopmail and MySQL, specifically
Matt Simerson's Pop Toaster for FreeBSD:

Per the instructions in the bogofilter package:

I set up an alias account that takes 4 different emails:

To register:
	 spam, send to bogofilter-register-spam at exampl.com
  	 nonspam, send to bogofilter-register-nonspam at example.com

  To correct misclassified:

	 spam, send to bogofilter-spam at example.com
  	 nonspam, send to bogofilter-nonspam at example.com

I checked the dates of the goodlist.db and badlist.db in my bogofilter email
and they are updated right after I send the email.  So I know I'm updating
my db.

Now, I figured out how to 'sift' the incoming email on Outlook Express.  You
simply set up a rule through the rules wizard.  "When incoming mail arrive
check for the header 'X-Bogosity: Yes' and send to spam folder".  It's all
in the client application.  It sits there for the user to determine if it
really was spam or a false pos.

Now, I can't seem to setup the same rule in Outlook Express, only Outlook.
Most people have Outlook Express since it comes with the operating system.
How you would do something similar in Outlook Express?  Maybe I'm
overlooking something?

It would be nice to have bogofilter attach 4 links on the "spam" email to
let you click on the email instead of having to type
"bogofilter-nonspam at example.com".  Maybe a future feature?

My last unanswered question is this.  The instructions say:  It is important
that users bounce or redirect the messages rather than forward them since
forwarding loses important header information.  Now how do you "bounce or
redirect" the messages?  I don't have a "bounce" button, only reply and


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