database usage

David Relson relson at
Tue Dec 20 02:27:54 CET 2005

On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:09:53 +0900
djh wrote:

> Is it easily possible to use the gnu db, gdbm, instead of the
> Berzerkly one?
> I am not a member of the list yet, so please be sure to cc any answers 
> to me.  Thanks.
> sincerely,
>   Darel

Hi Darel,

The short answer to you question is "no".  Bogofilter presently
supports BerkeleyDB, SQLite, and QDBM through a structured API.  The
main files are datastore.c (high level API interface), datastore_db.c,
datastore_sqlite.c, and datastore_qdbm.c

It you want gdbm, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to create
datastore_gdbm.c from one of the existing datastore_XXXX.c files.  If
you're willing to maintain the code, it could likely be included in a
future release of bogofilter.



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