0.94.14 problems on Debian/sparc

Clint Adams schizo at debian.org
Thu Jun 9 16:38:22 CEST 2005

I've attempted the non-BDB backends on Debian/sparc for the first time,
and this is what I've run into.

* Debian ships the qdbm include files in /usr/include/qdbm, so I needed
  to append this to CFLAGS.

* db and qdbm builds passed the test suite.  sqlite failed initially
  (some locking issue), but I am unable to reproduce it.  tdb fails

make[6]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/bogofilter-0.94.14/obj-tdb/src/tests'
../../../src/tests/t._abort: line 6: 21947 Aborted                 ( ./abortme )
PASS: t.abort
PASS: t.env
PASS: t.ctype
PASS: t.bogodir
SKIP: t.leakfind
PASS: t.u_fpe
PASS: t.longoptions
PASS: t.ignore_spam_header
PASS: t.nullstatsprefix
PASS: t.integrity
PASS: t.integrity2
PASS: t.integrity3
PASS: t.passthrough-hb
PASS: t.escaped.html
PASS: t.escaped.url
PASS: t.split
PASS: t.parsing
PASS: t.lexer
PASS: t.lexer.mbx
PASS: t.rfc2047_broken
PASS: t.rfc2047_folded
PASS: t.message_addr
PASS: t.message_id
PASS: t.queue_id
cmp: EOF on ./checks.22738.20050609T142023/dump.load-1.txt
FAIL: t.dump.load
FAIL: t.nonascii.replace
../../../src/tests/t.maint: line 26: 22871 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -c $cnt -m $WORDLIST
FAIL: t.maint
../../../src/tests/t.robx: line 40: 22899 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -C -D -R $TMPDIR/wordlist.${DB_EXT}
FAIL: t.robx
../../../src/tests/t.regtest: line 27: 22929 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR/wordlist.${DB_EXT} >$TMPDIR/word.$T.out
FAIL: t.regtest
../../../src/tests/t.upgrade.subnet.prefix: line 60: 22965 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL $OPTS -u ${WORDLIST} >${TMPDIR}/t.after.out
FAIL: t.upgrade.subnet.prefix
PASS: t.multiple.wordlists
SKIP: t.probe
PASS: t.query.config
PASS: t.score1
PASS: t.score2
../../../src/tests/t.systest: line 58: 23181 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR/$n.${DB_EXT} >$BOGOFILTER_DIR/$n.txt
FAIL: t.systest
../../../src/tests/t.grftest: line 70: 23212 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -d $BOGOFILTER_DIR/$n.${DB_EXT} >$BOGOFILTER_DIR/$n.txt
FAIL: t.grftest
../../../src/tests/t.wordhist: line 54: 23240 Bus error               $BOGOUTIL -C -H $BOGOFILTER_DIR/wordlist.$DB_EXT >$OUT
FAIL: t.wordhist
../../../src/tests/t.bulkmode: line 20: 23396 Bus error               ../bogotune -c ./checks.23251.20050609T142029/test.cf -M ../../../src/tests/inputs/msg.1.txt >>./checks.23251.20050609T142029/test.bl
FAIL: t.bulkmode
PASS: t.maildir
FAIL: t.bogoutil
PASS: t.lock1
PASS: t.lock3
SKIP: t.valgrind
11 of 42 tests failed
(3 tests were not run)

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