globals vs parms

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Sun Apr 24 23:42:00 CEST 2005

David Relson <relson at> writes:

> I can live with those problems.  Transaction support requires that
> there be a unique database environment.  For bogoutil, which only works
> with one database, uniqueness is guaranteed.  Uniqueness also doesn't
> matter if transactions aren't being used.  
> You don't like my lightweight solution for determining if the
> uniqueness check is needed.  If you've got a comparably simple way of
> doing the check, let me know!

My first concern is that the path of the decision is blurry.

We export what program we're running, but what this means, isn't clear
without checking every "consumer" of the new variables.

If we are using globals, we should make their semantic clear.  If
there's a global variable to defeat - for instance - the check that
we're using only one environment, because we know that the program
guarantees this in another way, for instance, by ignoring --wordlist
parameters, then the variable should do just that, and be called

fBogolexer says next to nothing.

Matthias Andree

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