tackling sqlite byte-order problem (was: sqlite byte-order)

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Feb 9 00:14:39 CET 2005

Fletcher reported an endianness bug vs. the sqlite backend.

> Shouldn't a sqlite database created on a sparc be readable from an intel?
> It looks to me like something in the sqlite interface is not byte swapping.
> gaos.cs.utexas.edu$ bogofilter </dev/null
> Invalid robx value (2379.220992).  Must be between 0.0 and 1.0
> gaos.cs.utexas.edu$ 
> gaos.cs.utexas.edu$ bogoutil -d wordlist.db | head
> .WORDLIST_VERSION 885731585 0 535900417


This should have been .WORDLIST_VERSION 20040500 0 20050207.

The bug is that sqlite3 always returns false when datastore queries the
"is swapped" state, but this problem is not sqlite specific and may also
apply to TDB (I haven't checked if the TDB on-disk structures are
independent of endianness).

How do we best tackle this?

I wonder if we should add a new token .ENDIAN32 (from datastore) that
stores the hex value 0x01020304 in natural byte order and use that to
figure if the database is byteswapped.

Any better ideas on the market?

I have found no means to let sqlite3 return if the database is in
different endianness than the application host, so we need to code
something on our own at any rate. I've filed sqlite ticket #1107 with
the feature request, see <http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=1107>

BTW, to easily byteswap 32-bit unsigned decimal integers on the command
line, use:   perl -nle 'printf "%d\n", unpack('N', pack('V', $_));'

Matthias Andree

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