[cvs] bogofilter/src bogoconfig.c, 1.197, 1.198 bogoutil.c, 1.140, 1.141

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Mon Dec 13 11:38:58 CET 2004

relson at users.sourceforge.net writes:

>  {
> +    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s { -d | -l | -w | -p } file%s | { -r | -R | -f | -F } directory | [ -v | -h | -V ]\n", 
> +	    progname, DB_EXT);
> +#else
>      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s { -d | -l | -w | -p } file%s | { -r | -R | -f | -F | -P } directory | [ -v | -h | -V ]\n", 
>  	    progname, DB_EXT);
> +#endif

#ifdef galore time? The dummy functions return sensible defaults for the
non-transactional datastores (i. e. EX_OK for everything except
recovery), including TDB and QDBM, and just ignore these options, and
disabling these might actually break user scripts if they switch forward
and backward between TXN and non-TXN versions. Let's not do this.

Matthias Andree

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