Encoded filenames

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Dec 1 11:57:17 CET 2004

David Relson <relson at osagesoftware.com> writes:

> As to RFC-2047, _something_ is needed to decode encoded words like
> =charset?Q?...?  The current use of text_decode() for this looks fine to
> me.  I don't see the recursion you've mentioned.   Can you send me a
> test case?

I don't have one off-hand.

The problem is:

1. lexer sees an encoded word

2. lexer uses text_decode and prepends its result to the input - which
   may again be an encoded word that was encoded to "escape" it (Gnus
   does that, for instance, and it's the right thing to do)

3. lexer passes it through text_decode again for the same input
   this is a recursion and hence the bug

I have no idea how to make this work EFFECTIVELY within the lexer, hence
I postulate that text_decode must not be called from the lexer but
earlier, in yyinput() at the latest.

Matthias Andree

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