auto-update in 0.16.2

Stefan Bellon sbellon at
Sat Jan 17 09:12:42 CET 2004

David Relson wrote:


> Introducing a config file option "thresh_update=0.01" and a
> corresponding command line option "-u 0.01" seemed the obvious way of
> dealing with this. Cutting the number of wordlist updates has the
> dual benefits of making bogofilter faster and slowing the growth of
> the database.  I thought it a worthwhile addition :-)

It is, it is, just not as optional argument to the switch -u.
Pity that -U was used for something else a few weeks ago.

And apart from the used letter, I think the line in the usage output
should go into the "parameter options" section and not directly next to

Stefan Bellon

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