challenge [was: unfolding header lines]

David Relson relson at
Thu Sep 4 23:52:40 CEST 2003

Michael and pi,

Your suggestions on parser changes are appreciated.  However, my efforts
to apply the ideas haven't panned out.  So, I have a challenge for you

I've put together a testbed to experiment with.  It contains a
simplified lexer.l (which has the crucial elements that bogofilter
needs), some driver code, 3 simple test messages, and their expected
outputs.  There's also a script ( which builds the program, runs
it, and check the actual outputs against the expected ones.

The simple grammar does about 99% of what's needed for unfolding header
lines.  Tests #1 and #2 work fine.  Test #3 is a couple of characters
shorter than #2 (some whitespace and an 'x') and fails.

The challenge is to modify lexer.l so that all 3 tests pass :-)

If I've setup the test properly, the modified lexer.l will merge easily
into the official bogofilter lexer and bogofilter will handle unfolded
header lines properly.  If I don't have it right, there will need to be
a second challenge round.


P.S. The challenge is open to all who care to participate :-)
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