flex-2.5.31 compatibility

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Tue Aug 5 17:00:44 CEST 2003

At 09:48 AM 8/5/03, Matthias Andree wrote:
>On Mon, 04 Aug 2003, David Relson wrote:
> > Possibly, based on flex version, when compiling the .l file we can use
> > options -I or -B (as appropriate).
>I prefer one .l code that fits both flex versions.


It's no big deal to remove the "%never-interactive" line.  I'd like to see 
the build process recognize whether there's a new or old flex and use -I or 
-B.  That would allow the parser to be as fast as the flex version 
allows.  Can you change configure.ac and Makefile.am to make this work?

Given that the behavior of %never-interactive has changed, one of two 
things is true:  The old version is correct and it's been broken; or the 
old version is defective and flex has been fixed.  My goal is to learn 
which of these statements is true.

Anybody know flex well enough to tell which version of flex is the broken 


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