Q: removing timestamps

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Thu Jun 5 02:07:40 CEST 2003

At 07:25 PM 6/4/03, Malcolm Dew-Jones wrote:

>Quick question, hopefully.
>Is there an option or #DEFINE or etc that would remove the inclusion of
>timestamps in the .db files?
>If not, could someone point me to the files that define this?  It may not
>make much difference, but since we don't use the timestamps, I am curious
>to see what difference it would make.

Hi Malcolm,

There are two ways to turn them off.  Bogofilter and bogoutil have the '-y 
date' command line switch to set a date.  The date format is the 8 digit 
standard YYYYMMDD and a value of 0 is interpreted as "suppress 
dates".  Alternatively in your bogofilter.cf file you can add 

My recollection is that BerkeleyDB uses approx 32 bytes for storing the 
token name (though it varies since token lengths vary) plus 4 bytes for 
each count (spam or good) plus 4 more bytes for the date.  Turning off 
dates will save _some_ space.


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