[PATCH] bulk mode

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Wed Apr 9 02:01:16 CEST 2003

At 07:47 PM 4/8/03, Matthias Andree wrote:

>David Relson <relson at osagesoftware.com> writes:
> > michael at optusnet.com.au expressed a need for such a capability.  As it
> > seemed reasonably easy to implement, I did so and then made the patch
> > available for those who want to test it.  If there isn't enough interest
> > in the feature, it may live only as a patch (for those who want it).  If
> > there's interest and the code gets the job done, then it should be added.
>OK, what's the patch supposed to do? Print one line of Bogosity per file
>listed? What options will be allowed alongside -B?

The goal was, indeed, one line per file.  Given Michael's most recent 
message, he had a different interface in mind - and I'm guessing he'll 
write what he wants.

My goal was to allow classify multiple files (with one message each) 
without the overhead of starting bogofilter and opening/reading wordlists 
for each message.  Given this, use of '-B' would disallow use of the 
registration options ('-s', '-n', '-S', '-N') and would allow whatever else 
is reasonable.  For example, '-p' would work, but might generate too much 
output to be useful.

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