[ bogofilter-Patches-706375 ] Building under OS/2

Yuri Dario warp at os2power.com
Tue Apr 1 20:04:53 CEST 2003


since I subscribed the dev list, I think it is better to move here the discussion about OS/2 

>1. the file must not be unlocked before the BerkeleyDB cache
>has been flushed. If you do that, you're heading for
>corruption (which is the likely reason for t.lock2 failure).

here I need to do more work, but t.lock2 was failing also before unlocking.

>2. We don't use C++/C99-style // comments, but only
>C89-style /* */ comments. // choke some C compilers unless


>3. We should not introduce OS-specific comments into regular
>files, but encapsulate the portability code (such as the EMX
>locking code) in separate files, such as a generic_lock.c or

let me know your preferred layout, and I will rewrite the code.

>4a. GNU libc (Linux's most common libc) documents on the
>topic of "optind": "The initial value of this variable is
>`1'." FreeBSD documents "The variable opterr and optind are

that's ok also for EMX; the only difference is that emx getopt() requires 0 to make the second 
This could be put inside a #ifdef

>4b. setting opterr to 0 defeats printing error messages and
>changes behaviour. This is inacceptable.

my fault.

>5. what is fopen("rt") supposed to do? ANSI-C doesn't seem
>to document the t.  If it means "text mode", then ANSI-C
>already specifies "r" means "text mode" and "rb" means
>"binary mode".

I will check how emx handles it, because I'm using  also some special link flags.

>6. ignoring CR should not happen in fgetsl() -- fgets()
>doesn't do that either. If we need a function that ignores
>CR, then it needs to wrap around fgetsl() instead.

that's ok for me; I put it into fgetsl() because I didn't know the whole logic around reading.

>7. I suggest that the _fsetmode EMX stuff moves into a
>separate function emx_init() or something, and a
>os_spec_init() function that calls it.

should I place os_spec_init() inside main or somewhere else?


	Yuri Dario

 * member of TeamOS/2 - Italy
 * http://www.quasarbbs.net/yuri
 * http://www.teamos2.it
 * http://www.opera.com/os2/

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