Tokens including header values?

Chris Wilkes cwilkes-bf at
Sat Feb 1 01:36:31 CET 2003

This spam got past bogofilter today, the -bfvvv one is the result of a
running it through bogofilter -vvv after registering it as spam:

As you can see there isn't much there to go off of, the main words I
could that show it to be spam are:
  alice deflowered hymen's
Which aren't likely to show up in another spam email.  Nor is the
website,  They'll just change it to be next time.

However I have seen quite a lot of spams with my email address in the
Subject line:
	Subject: See her get deflowered cwilkes at
Hardly anyone that's going to email me puts my email address in the

Likewise, I'm never going to get legitimate email with a bunch of other
cwilkes's listed in the To:.

Has anyone thought of making bogofilter header and body aware?  I'm not
sure how much of a gain that would be versus making the code that much
more complicated.  You could write out to files like spamlist-subject.db
and goodlist-to.db.


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