problem email, bogofilter and bogolexer hang

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Fri Jan 31 00:41:18 CET 2003

Greg Louis <glouis at> writes:

> I've warned David about a problem I encountered trying to rebuild my
> training db with 0.10.0: the 1047th email in my spam corpus, if
> processed alone, causes bogofilter to hang without output; if processed
> as part of the 14,262-email mbox file, it causes bogofilter to exit
> with an "Invalid buffer size" message.  It seems that the problem is in
> the mime-decoding stuff, so I thought I'd bring it to the -dev list --
> it might interest more people than just David.

Has this been fixed by the recent changes, i. e. does this problem
reproduce with the current CVS?

Matthias Andree

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