killing of html comments

David Relson relson at
Mon Jan 20 18:15:43 CET 2003


Code for the killing of html comments has been committed to CVS.  A number 
of defects have been fixed, and it's working fine now, as best I can tell.

A new regression test has been added.  It's in tests/bogofilter/t.split, 
along with 3 test messages in tests/bogofilter/inputs/split.d.  The 3 
messages have varying numbers of comments, including comments split over 
line boundaries, and one uses base64 encoding.  If you want to experiment a 
bit, go into directory tests/bogofilter and run t.split from the command 
line, then look in the output directory at the .ln and .ly files (which 
show bogolexer output for kill=noand for kill=yes in the .ln and .ly files, 


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