html comment question

Gyepi SAM gyepi at
Sun Jan 19 23:27:58 CET 2003

On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 05:21:01PM -0500, David Relson wrote:
> Hi,
> My code for killing html comments is working fine, so long as I assume that 
> an html comment tag, i.e. "<!--", isn't broken into multiple 
> lines.  Dealing with multiple lines turns out to be rather nasty.  Is it 
> necessary?

Given the ways of spammers, I would say yes. I have not seen the code, but I assumed
you were doing something like:

When you see '<!--' in html, set a flag and skip those and and all other characters while the
flag is set and you have not seen a '-->', which would also be skipped and the flag turned off.

That would fix the multiple line problem, no?


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