Dependencies (was Re: Spammers catching on)

David Relson relson at
Sat Dec 21 03:54:21 CET 2002

At 11:34 AM 12/19/02, Parker Morse wrote:
>On Wednesday, December 18, 2002, at 07:10  PM, David Relson wrote:
>>If you want, you can go into the tests subdirectory and run each of the 
>>tests from the command line.  The outputs will be saved in appropriately 
>>named subdirectories.  For example, the outputs of t.systest will be in 
>>systest.MMDD, where MMDD is today's date.  You can run all of them , put 
>>them in a tarball using command "tar zcvf test.MMDD.tgz *.MMDD/*", and 
>>send them to me off-list.  I'll take a look and see if I can figure out 
>>why you're having trouble.
>As I said, I suspect the result of this will be "your gcc is too old." But 
>here's the output:

Hi Parker,

After getting your tarball, here's what I did:

1 - unpacked your file:

     cd ~/people/ParkerMorse ; tar zxvf test.1219.tgz --- which created a 
lot of *.1219 directories with test results.

2 - created my own outputs:

     cd ~/0912/tests ; for test in `ls t.* | grep -v t.frame` ; do $test ; done

3 - compare output directories

     diff -ur --brief -s ~people/ParkerMorse ~0912/tests


    all the bogfilter output files, i.e. *.v, *.vv, *.vvv, were identical 
between your files and mine
    the goodlist.db and spamlist.db files differed


    The test runs produced the correct outputs files.  I'd call this result 
a success!


    What did you see that indicated all the tests failed?  The evidence 
indicates a success.

    Can you run "make check" and send me the output?  There's something 
unexpected going on here :-(


P.S.  I'm sending the results of the "diff" command in a separate, private 

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