histogram, a.k.a. verbosity level

Allyn Fratkin allyn at fratkin.com
Sun Oct 27 18:42:46 CET 2002

output format suggestion:
if you delete the blank line after the X-Bogosity header and start each
additional line with a tab instead of a # then the additional lines
will be considered by most mailers to be a continuation of the X-Bogosity
header and hidden from view unless the user wants to see them.

after that, it might make sense to fix the lexer to not only ignore
the X-Bogosity header, but also the continuation lines, in case the user
wants to feed the message back into bogofilter for (re-)training.
Allyn Fratkin             allyn at fratkin.com
Escondido, CA             http://www.fratkin.com/

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