Ignoring headers [was: SpamAssassin's header lines]

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Mon Oct 7 21:35:01 CEST 2002

At 03:21 PM 10/7/02, Mark M. Hoffman wrote:

>What we need is to allow the user to specify which headers to ignore.  Tokens
>added by SA or whatever may be considered useful by some, not by 
>others.  There's
>no question they're an external bias to the system... depends on whether 
>or not
>you think that's good.
>Since I've already proposed major lexer changes, I will take this on also.  I
>suppose the list of headers to ignore will be spec'ed in the RC/ini file that
>Eric S. is working?  Any other ideas... let me know.


Don't forget about Eric Seppanen's plans to implement an ignore list.  It 
seems that he's oriented more towards individual words while you're 
orienting towards header lines.   Also, he's looking at tokens after 
they're parsed and you seem to be looking at parser changes.

Perhaps the two of you should put your heads together and see what kind of 
solution you can design...


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