Bogofilter-0.91.2 - new current release

David Relson relson at
Fri Jun 11 22:07:57 CEST 2004


Bogofilter-0.91.2 has been released.  It fixes a number of minor issues
in release 0.91.1.  

The files are available at

Here are the md5sums for the release:

535c04b5204440dab29d496ecf917906  bogofilter-0.91.2-1.i586.rpm
5626f09f5a09e5a1957a59742a84d538  bogofilter-0.91.2-1.src.rpm
d6d2f64475a8c3119f4e015937501118  bogofilter-0.91.2.tar.bz2
5717be37665902bef13cfe4acb1363c6  bogofilter-0.91.2.tar.gz
1d496c564f49581062cef389d95075d0  bogofilter-static-0.91.2-1.i586.rpm

Here is file NEWS-0.9x ...


0.91.2	2004-06-11

* FAQ updated with info on multiple wordlists and ignore
* FAQ updated with info on building as non-root user.

* Bogofilter's creation of new wordlists now includes
* Fix erroneous double opening of wordlists specified on
  command line.
* Corrected tests so that "make check" passes with qdbm and

* Fix included GSL compile for compilers that do not support
  "extern inline", such as Compaq C V6.3.

0.91.1	2004-06-04

* Use named constants for wordlist 'type' attribute to
  distinguish open modes of READ, WRITE, and CREATE so
  bogofilter will include .WORDLIST_VERSION in new database.
* Add DS_LOAD flag so bogoutil won't add .WORDLIST_VERSION
* Modify regression tests to use bogoutil to create empty
  wordlists (as needed).

* Fixed registration.  When multiple wordlists are specified,
  registration is to first regular wordlist.
* Added regresstion test for multiple wordlists.

* Modify contrib scripts so they're sh compatible.
* Fix problem when bogofilter's home is a symlink.
* Fix problems with not expanding tildes.

0.91.0	2004-05-22

* Add ignore list capability.
* Revive and revise multiple wordlist code.
* Increase width of 'count' column for -vvv output.
* Cleanup variable names in database open() code.

0.90.0	2004-05-09

* Lower output precision for regression tests, by using %f
  rather than %e, to mask differences between GSL versions.
* Updated TODO list and procmailrc.example

* Added code for Robinson's Effective Size Factor (ESF) 
  to score.c, bogotune.c,, etc.
* Added '-E' options to bogotune to suppress ESF scan.
* Revised bogotune's parameter ranges.

* Remove unreferenced enum wl_e.
* Add .WORDLIST_VERSION meta symbol.
* Change subnet prefix from url: to ip:
* Add -u switch to bogoutil to do wordlist upgrade.
* Add regression test t.upgrade.subnet.prefix

* Added code for Robinson's Effective Size Factor (ESF) 
  to score.c, bogotune.c,, etc.
* Added '-E' options to bogotune to suppress ESF scan.
* Revised parameter ranges for coarse scan.

* Changed list address in FAQ to

0.17.5	2004-04-01 - previous stable release

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