[bogofilter-announce] bogofilter-0.13.7

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Fri Jun 20 18:10:17 CEST 2003


Bogofilter-0.13.7 has been released on SourceForge.Net as the "new current 
release".  The tuning/tuning.sh script has been replaced by a new 
tuning/bogotune script (and related files).  bogotune does a comprehensive 
job of testing bogofilter's s, x, min_dev, and spam_cutoff parameters in 
order to determine the best values for a bogofilter site.

Project page:  http://bogofilter.sourceforge.net/
Download page: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=62265



0.13.7	2003-06-20

* Replaced tuning/tuning.sh with tuning/bogotune (and related files). 2003-06-18

* Minor code rewrites to speed up processing messages, mboxes,
   and msg-count files.  In particular, tuning/tuning.sh runs
   are approx 47% faster than before.
* Fixed several errors in tuning/tuning.sh and reformatted
   "Top 10 Results" output.
* Minor changes to bogoutil to support bogotune script.
* Added newlines to correct usage messages. 2003-06-05

* Don't allow square brackets in tokens.  Do allow dollar signs in
   tokens in msg-count files.
* Bogolexer now discards first 'From' token to match scoring behavior
   of bogofilter. 2003-06-05

* Updated file tuning/README and script tuning/tuning.sh.

0.13.6	2003-06-04

* Fix check for "^From " lines to work properly during base64 decoding.
* End html comment processing when a message header is found.
* Improve README for the tuning scripts and simplify them.

0.13.5	2003-06-03

* Allow terminal exclamation points on tokens.
* Diagnose invalid values of robx.
* Fixed bogofilter's non-use of message counts in msg-count files.
* Updated contrib/mime.get.rfc822
* Modified rstats_print_histogram() so it doesn't print 'nan's.
* Modified t.frame to find version of grep on Solaris so t.bulkmode
    can run successfully. 2003-05-31

* Modified t.parsing test so it works with OSX's default file system.

0.13.4	2003-05-30
* Changed default value of ROBS from 0.001 to 0.01
* Fixed options '-M' (mailbox mode) and '-p' (passthrough mode) so
   they work properly together.
* Minor cleanups in bogofilter.cf.example
* Added db-3.2 and db-3.1 to list for AC_CHECK_DB in configure.ac
0.13.3	2003-05-28

* Tweaked long line check used to prevent scanner buffer overflow.
* Added -V (version) option to bogolexer.
* Minor code tweaks to quiet gcc-3.3 warnings.
* Added doc/programmer/README.osx to distribution.
* Corrected FAQ's procmail recipe for training with SpamAssassin. 2003-05-24

* In bulkmode, output filenames to stdout.
* Further fixes for static-build system.

0.13.2	2003-05-24

* Build procedure for statically linked binaries has been improved.
* Autoconfiguration of BerkeleyDB library has been improved.
* Fixed defect in replace_nonascii_characters that was
   superseding ignore_case option.
* Portability fix for efence usage in t.frame.

0.13.1	2003-05-23

* Modified "make rpm" to also build statically linked binaries.
   They're packaged in bogofilter-static-x.y.z-1.i586.rpm
* Fixed bogofilter.spec.in to include files CHANGES-0.13 and
   RELEASE.NOTES-0.13 which had been left out.

0.13.0	2003-05-21

* Added file RELEASE.NOTES-0.13.  Read it!!!
* Changed parsing defaults to:
   -PI	ignore_case		(default is disabled)
   -Ph	header_line_markup	(default is enabled)
   -Pt	tokenize_html_tags	(default is enabled)
* contrib/randomtrain and contrib/scramble can now process
   both mbox and maildir formats.
* Added perl script contrib/mime.get.rfc822 to extract
   forwarded messages from with a message.
* Added basic support for emacs RMAIL mailboxes.
* Remove incomplete RMAIL/Babyl-5 support.
* Registration code modified to count unique tokens for each
   message and display the total of the counts.
* Added 'bogo-what?' to FAQ.

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