option to not count header tokens

Dmitry vdb at mail.ru
Tue Apr 28 21:42:52 CEST 2009


My ignorelist.db grows every day, still I find more and more useless 
header tokens hiding obvious spam. Spammers are smart. They mimic normal 
MUA headers. When the message body is short (3-5 words), headers often 
cause spams to be classified as ham in such way, that even marking this 
message as spam doesn't help.

My question is: Is it possible to make an option in the config to not 
count any invisible header tokens?

By the way, it was already discussed in the "Why strip headers?" thread 
4 years ago:

 > Moreover, headers which do not directly influence the email in any
 > functional way, nor are visible to the end-user in a standard
 > graphical MUA, are highly likely to contain information which
 > spammers think will detract from normal statistical filtering. It
 > is therefore desireable to remove these elements, specifically
 > X-headers, prior to filtering.  Spamitarium removes all invisible,
 > non-functional header lines.


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