spam training

David Relson relson at
Mon Jul 19 03:15:05 CEST 2004

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 16:44:30 -0800
Barsalou wrote:

> So now that I am getting spam that still show up in my Inbox, I should
> run them through bogofilter as spam, correct?
> Since they were most likely unsures, I can just use the -s command. 
> How can I tell for sure that they are unsures?  I would guess the
> suggestion of bogogilter -Mv?
> Hopefully I am starting to get it...:)
> Mike
> -- 
> Barsalou <barjunk at>


If you use the '-p' option, as in "bogofilter -p", each message's
headers will include a line like:

X-Bogosity: Yes, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=1.000000, version=0.92.2
X-Bogosity: Unsure, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.500000, version=0.92.2
X-Bogosity: No, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=0.92.2

Most email clients can filter these, for example to "Mail-Spam",
"Mail-Unsure", etc.  Having done that filtering, the proper registration
flags are easy to determine.



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