CSS abuse

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Sun Mar 30 23:44:32 CEST 2003

Simon Huggins <huggie at earth.li> writes:

> Given it's a relative width, zooming out on your small browser window
> should make it all fit nicely again surely?

The issue is not word wrap, but white borders on either side -- if I
want lines to wrap earlier, I'll narrow my browser window, or I can
write a local CSS and feed that to my browser. (At least Opera supports
that, but I think Mozilla also has options to do that, it's pretty
complete in terms of CSS2). And that already on a plain 17" CRT, 1024 by
768 px, with a pretty regular Mozilla 1.3 configuration (except that I
enforce a minimum font size and choose true type core fonts).

Matthias Andree

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