several bugs/glitches/typos/questions

David Relson relson at
Thu Mar 6 21:00:29 CET 2003

At 01:48 PM 3/6/03, W M Brelsford wrote:

>A few things I've noticed lately (using
>1. bogoutil -m doesn't work, e.g. "bogoutil -c3 -m file.db" does
>         not change file.db.
>2. bogoutil -n doesn't combine tokens, e.g. "bogoutil -n -d file.db"
>         yields multiple identical lines like "c??067???? 1 20030222".
>         (Would they be combined with "-m"?)
>3. In the bogoutil manpage:
>         "The \fB-x flags sets debugging flags.\fR"
>         should probably be
>         "The \fB-x flags\fR option sets debugging flags."
>4. bogofilter -vv seems to produce no histogram if spamicity is 0.
>         Is that intended?  Also, -vvvv seems to produce the same
>         output as -vvv.
>5. In the bogofilter manpage:
>         a. "undoes" should be "to undo" in "The -S option tells
>                 bogofilter undoes a prior registration".
>         b. Why is the classification run output description inside
>                 the "-o" section?
>         c. -u is described twice.
>None of these are critical, but thought I'd pass along my list..


Lists are appreciated.  They lead to a better program.

I'm taking a look at #1 and #2 and have already found a flaw that explains 
#1 & #2.  I'll update CVS in a while.

I'l make the suggested documentation changes for #3 and #5a.  #5b looks 
like a heading has gotten lost.  For #5c, I'll have to think where the 
right place for the description is.

#4 - Those verbosity levels have only been defined for 1, 2, and 
3.  Anything above 3 is treated as 3.

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