Portability Code?

Adrian Otto aotto at aotto.com
Wed Sep 11 19:59:53 CEST 2002

I've produced a GNU configure Makefile configuration for bogofilter. This
helps bogofilter find the Judy and BerkeleyDB libraries and headers it
needs, and will be useful as a tool for making bogofilter a more portable
application. The problem I have is that the required Judy package uses a
non-portable Makefile system, and I'm having significant difficulty hacking
it to work on platforms that are not in its "supported" list. Because
bogofilter's current implementation requires the Judy package, it's only as
portable as Judy.

Currently the only remedy I can think of is to overhaul Judy so that it uses
autoconf/automake/libtool to produce a portable Makefile configure script.
Based on the information at
http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=207027 the Judy authors are
interested in an autoconf/automake/libtool help because they don't have
experience with it.

Has anyone else successfully ported Judy to Solaris or BSD? If so, what did
you do? My Solaris port is not working properly yet. If anyone has put any
effort into this, I think we should team up.



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